
Climb any mountain

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Elvis had it right

Baby let me be,
your lovin' Teddy Bear
Put a chain around my neck,
and lead me anywhere
Oh let me be
Your teddy bear.

Teddy bears are comforting to the nth degree. 
I only just thought about My Teddy Bear recently 
and it made me smile. Up until I met my husband, 
I slept with a plush stuffed bear. I brought it 
everywhere with me. My Teddy Bear went with my 
to England, across Canada and back, to Encounters 
with Canada. My Teddy Bear was my rock, even 
though I only spent my sleeping hours with My Teddy 
Bear, these were the hours when I needed him the most.
He allowed me to sleep and comforted all my pain away. 
My Teddy Bear meant the world to me. I would even wash 
him only once a month. My family laughed "you still have 
that thing?" It was not a thing, it was MY Teddy Bear, I had 
always slept with one and this one was even more special 
because it was my last one. The Christmas my Mother gave 
him to me she said on the card "This is the last 
one you will get! Now you are too old!" 
I must beg to differ we are never to old for an object of 
comfort. My Teddy Bear was my item of comfort until my 
husband moved in with me and I noticed that My Bear 
would be on the floor in the morning. That had never 
happened before. Eventually, My Teddy Bear was picked 
up and put on a shelf. After my husband and I were married, 
My Teddy Bear went onto a shelf in my closet. When we 
started packing to move, My Teddy Bear  went into a 
valuables box. That was three years ago and I only just 
thought of him the other day. I love my husband but I think 
I might try and find that valuables box. My daughter is 
having another baby and I think our precious little one 
might need some comfort too.

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