
Climb any mountain

Monday, August 15, 2011

What do you do when you have fallen behind?

I guess that only thing to do is pick yourself up; dust yourself off and get moving forward. These last few months have been very difficult. Having to cancel O's 4 Rs was actually quite a disappointment for me. I had also made an unanticipated and untimely return to the teaching profession. I had 28 lovely grade 5 students in a atco trailer portable classroom. To say it was a challenge would certainly be an understatement. By the grace of God, we all survived till June 30th! The parents; staff and admin were all very supportive :)
All through this new contract, renovations were going on to our condo complex. Lets just say, it's not over yet. Anyone who has lived through renos knows they are anything but pleasant. It is very difficult to show our house for Sale with all the work that is going on. I am praying they will be done by the end of September.
We have also been working on our property outside of Edmonton. I just love it there. It is so peaceful, a little piece of paradise! One day I hope to open up a retreat there. Perhaps to provide a sanctuary and improved mental health for children and young adults with RAD. Maybe to house families with children that would thrive in a more specialized learning environment. So many ideas, which will come to fruition? Time will tell.
I have started airing my BTR show adoption stories again. Tonight you can listen to Finding Aster, an interview with Dina McQueen about adopting her daughter Aster from Ethiopia. I hope to have many more interviews scheduled for the coming weeks.
Now, September is around the corner and it should be back to work for all teachers. You may know if you have been following my blog, I went back to school to get my Master degree in Counseling, yet I have had great difficulty finding the right job for me in my newly chosen field. I officially started my own counseling and consulting business last year. 5 year to grow a business they say... so I am plugging away at that as well.  
I will be keeping busy over the next few months by substitute teaching and who knows maybe a long term contract will come along.
Please keep in touch, I am here to help.
Yours in education and mental health,
(Up, dusted off  and moving forward)

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