Guess if I am putting this blog back out there I should add a new post!
Paul and I moved back to Fort McMurray in October 2013. Our condo was destroyed by our renters but that was not the only thing that had changed. I had changed, I knew I was back in Fort Mac for a reason, I just didn't know what that reason was. It took me a month to make the condo livable again. Then Christmas and the job search began.
I was quite happy subbing in the public school district. Then one day in January, while I was subbing at Westwood High School, Julie (Francophone EA) says to me "you speak French? My son's English teacher just left the Francophone school and they are looking for someone. You should put your resume in!" I mulled it over for a couple days and then Thursday evening I thought to myself "what have I got to lose?" I fired off an email to Sonia Coulombe. I had no idea that my email would be answered within minutes. Sonia who was 9 months pregnant with twins happened to get out of bed for a glass of water and she saw that I had left an email. She desperately wanted to fill the position before she went on maternity leave. She emailed me immediately and I met with her for an interview the following Monday. Nicole and Caroline joined Sonia for my interview. Nicole would be taking over as principal and Caroline was the school's longest standing teacher with 24 years under her belt. At the end of the interview Sonia said, I discussed your resume with Mr Lemire, the Super Intendant of Commission Scolaire Centre Nord. He said "with her credentials you would be a fool to let Janice get away!"
Then and there she offered me the part time English position which I accepted.
By the time May rolled around I felt very comfortable with the staff and students, I was only working 0.3 so I asked if I could be considered for the 0.4 classroom support teacher position. I am very happy to say I was offered this position and this school year has been wonderful. I work 0.7 which means I get Mondays off. Everyone knows 3 day weekends are a blessing. I love my classes and I love my students and my colleagues.
I am not sure what next school year will bring but for now I appreciate every day for the blessing that it is and I am so thankful that God lead us back to Fort McMurray.