O'Leary's Angels
Therapeutic Day Program and Boarding School
Angels with Special Needs (Our 10 year plan)
You know how everything happens for a reason... look what popped into my email box today!!! Thanks Pat! Maybe I can combine my two loves!!! Perhaps running a Therapeutic Day School Program O'Leary's Angels and in the summer run the Family Respite Camp O's 4Rs!!!! I really think I could make this work!!! What do you think? I value all opinions!
O'Leary's House Norcross House5-8 years old 9-12 years old
3 students 3 students
1 teacher 1 teacher
4 EAs 4 EAs
Wigmore House Morris House
13-16 years old 17-20 year old
3 students 3 students
1 teacher 1 teacher
4 EAs 4EAs
The school would be divided into 4 different houses of 3 students. We could educate on a semester basis. 12 children per semester. Parents could relocate for the months/years needed for their child to complete their education and attend our school. If parents can not relocate arrangements can be made for Angels to board at the school. Each family would have the opportunity to live on the property. Paying a very low rent and a competitive boarding fee and day program tuition.
Here is a link to a group which helps fine alternative schools already in existence
Day and Boarding programs usually charge between $20,000 and $44,000 per calendar year (2 semesters winter and fall). Summer and Spring sessions will be dedicated to O's 4 Rs.
Introduction to the Therapeutic Day Program
The Therapeutic Day Program (TDP) is designed for students aged 5-20 who are unable to attend school due to mental health concerns. TDP supports students dealing with anxiety, depression, or other mental health issues, by providing an academic and therapeutic program, group counselling and recreational opportunities.
Purpose of TDP
TDP provides a self-paced, individualized program in which students set goals with staff regarding both academics and mental health growth. After successfully completing the program, students are transitioned to their community mental health support service for ongoing care and may return to a mainstream school or complete their education through an alternate program.
Features and benefits of the program
- Self-paced, individualized academic and therapeutic program
- Small group attention
- maximum of 3 students per house
- 12 students for whole group activities
- Age grouping relieves social stigma of grade levels or academic ability
- Individual and group counselling
- Lunch program
- Boarding program for whole family
- Parenting skills group for families and caregivers
- Opportunities for alternative therapy (i.e., acupuncture) to improve treatment outcomes
- Daily recreation program
TDP eligibility criteria/referral procedures
Referrals to the TDP can be made by school staff, family members, community counsellors or social workers.
Referrals to the TDP can be made by school staff, family members, community counsellors or social workers.