
Climb any mountain

Monday, August 15, 2011

What do you do when you have fallen behind?

I guess that only thing to do is pick yourself up; dust yourself off and get moving forward. These last few months have been very difficult. Having to cancel O's 4 Rs was actually quite a disappointment for me. I had also made an unanticipated and untimely return to the teaching profession. I had 28 lovely grade 5 students in a atco trailer portable classroom. To say it was a challenge would certainly be an understatement. By the grace of God, we all survived till June 30th! The parents; staff and admin were all very supportive :)
All through this new contract, renovations were going on to our condo complex. Lets just say, it's not over yet. Anyone who has lived through renos knows they are anything but pleasant. It is very difficult to show our house for Sale with all the work that is going on. I am praying they will be done by the end of September.
We have also been working on our property outside of Edmonton. I just love it there. It is so peaceful, a little piece of paradise! One day I hope to open up a retreat there. Perhaps to provide a sanctuary and improved mental health for children and young adults with RAD. Maybe to house families with children that would thrive in a more specialized learning environment. So many ideas, which will come to fruition? Time will tell.
I have started airing my BTR show adoption stories again. Tonight you can listen to Finding Aster, an interview with Dina McQueen about adopting her daughter Aster from Ethiopia. I hope to have many more interviews scheduled for the coming weeks.
Now, September is around the corner and it should be back to work for all teachers. You may know if you have been following my blog, I went back to school to get my Master degree in Counseling, yet I have had great difficulty finding the right job for me in my newly chosen field. I officially started my own counseling and consulting business last year. 5 year to grow a business they say... so I am plugging away at that as well.  
I will be keeping busy over the next few months by substitute teaching and who knows maybe a long term contract will come along.
Please keep in touch, I am here to help.
Yours in education and mental health,
(Up, dusted off  and moving forward)

Saturday, May 21, 2011

O's 4Rs Cancelled

I am saddened to say, I had to cancel this summer's O's  4Rs Event in Ottawa. I just didn't get the required number of families. I believe in this idea, I will keep working on it. Will keep you up to date.

Monday, April 4, 2011

My Peace for your Grace - Bullying doesn't only happen to students in High School!

I love these 3 songs!  Please Listen to them... I mean turn every other distraction off and really listen.

Go to iTunes to download:  
Get It Right (Glee Cast Version)
Billionaire (Glee Cast Version)
Loser Like me (Glee Cast Version)

Now that you have listened to three unique songs that I hold dear... I mean really listened... Here is my Peace:

I am almost 40 and I have grown up strong and capable because of how I have grown up! If I seem a little crazy or excited it is just cause I am in adventurous and sometimes shark infested waters. I am not good at tearing people down to build myself up. I have learned to walk away from "Haters"...  You are not a "loser like me"...So try and understand. When I am hurt, I fight back. When I am angry, I whisper to control myself; I walk proud with the ones I love, not ahead or behind. I am a strong and powerful women of the 2000's. This is  me... Take me as I am, cause I will get up after I am  knocked down. I will succeed cause success in the face of doubt, is the best of all forms of revenge!

I am not depressed, a loser or manic.
I am me, a fighter, a star and a billionaire, even if only in song.

I hope for your Grace in return,
Love you for loving me,

Friday, April 1, 2011

Nominated for Bishop's Top 10 after 10!!

This is a copy of what I submitted to the nominations committee for Bishop's University Top 10 after 10.

The following explains my 5 and 10 year plan for Healing Hearts and Minds.

Healing Hearts and Minds 5 year plan is to develop and impliment O's 4Rs.
Opening O's 4Rs on my 3 acre property near Onoway, Alberta by 2015.
O's 4Rs is a week long, whole family vacation/conference event with expert workshops and individual care given to each of our 15 Magnificent Families. Particular attention is given to each families needs. O's 4 Rs mandate is to provide Respite; Renewal; Reconnection and Relaxation for the whole family.
I hope to market this idea internationally by providing the program and resources to special needs societies that are already established.

Healing Hearts and Minds 10 year vision is to open O'LEARY'S ANGELS; a Therapeutic Day Program located on a 6 acre adjacent parcel of land in Onoway, Alberta. O'Leary's Angels will be a Day program with a whole family boarding school option. The best services will be provided by experts under one "roof". Families will live on the property for a reduced rent and pay off tuition cost with "sweat equity". Parents and siblings over the age of 14 can be employed by Healing Hearts and Minds. They will earn a salary and have a place to live for the time required for their child to complete the TDP at O'Leary's Angels. The following shows the structure of O'Leary's Angels.

O'Leary's House             Norcross House        
5-8   years old               9-12  years old          
3-4 students                  3-4 students                      
1 teacher                         1 teacher                      
4 EAs                                4 EAs                            

Wigmore House              Morris House
13-16   years old           17-20 year old
3-4 students                   3-4 students
1 teacher                         1 teacher
4 EAs                                4EAs

The school would be divided into 4 different houses of 3-4 students. We will educate on a semester basis. 12-16 children per semester. Parents could relocate for the months/years needed for their child to complete their education and attend our school. If parents can not relocate arrangements can be made for O'Leary's Angels to board at the school.

I look forward to Healing Hearts and (educating) Minds by making my dreams a  reality.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Hurray!!! New volunteers to fill needed positions at O's 4 Rs

Activity Assistants (AAs):

Viola (tentative)
Dannalie (tentative)
Nathaniel (tentative)
Jena (tentative)
Cory F.
Cory W.

Family Assistants (FAs):

Julie B.

Workshops & Presenters (WPs): still need Workshop Presenters

Reconnecting- Julie M.
SPD- Denise
Drama- Janice
4R's Idol-
Hoola Hoop Artist- Claire
The Eating Game- Jean
I'm listening- 
Quick Easy Meals- Janice
Dream Catchers-
Momentos Box- Bob & Cat with help from Sam, Kerri and Chantille
Fresh Air Fun-                     with Cory and Cory
Art Therapy- 
Technology & You-
New Do Too-

Magnificent Family Members (MFMs):

no deserving families will be turned away! One week only!! 10-15 families maximum!!!

Some positions still need to be filled, sign up today!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Typical Day at O's 4Rs

7-8 Breakfast

8-9 Family Time

9-10 Workshop A
         Workshop B

10-10:15 am Snack

10:15-11:00 Outdoor activity (weather permitting) for children Parents have respite

11:00-noon Workshop C
                    Workshop D

noon-1pm lunch

1-2 Family Time

2-3 Workshop E
       Workshop F

3-3:15 pm Snack

3:15-4 Outdoor Activity (weather permitting) for children Parents have respite

4-5  Education Assistants will mediate session
       View schedule for following day
        Family Daily Rose/Thorn/Bud evaluation

5-6 Supper

6-7 Board Games  

7 transition to sleepy time
    bed time snack
7:30 in bed
         Story time

8:00 lights out

8-10 Resource room or internet cafe for Teens

10pm transition to sleepy time for teens and parents

11pm lights out 

Tuesday and Thursday are reconnection with your partner nights!  Parents will be offered the opportunity to attend one of three events (cultural, sporting, or relaxation) Parents will have the choice of having supper with their family or going out to eat in Ottawa and attending an event of their choice. Event tickets will be purchased by HH&M.

**As always this schedule is subject to change.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Q&A on O'Leary's Angels

How do I know this program is right for a student?Students in the TDP program must be identified as, or being considered for a diagnosis of an Axis 1 diagnosable mental illness such as anxiety, depression, or psychosis and be unable to attend school because of symptoms. Students with Axis II diagnosis are also eligible for this program. There is a two-week trial period for the TDP to allow youth and their families to experience the program. During this time, staff can assess the suitability of the program for the individual student. Trial would take place in August for the following years admission.  

If the program only takes 12 students at a time, is there a wait list?  
Yes, there is usually a waitlist. However, it’s important to apply, even if there is a waitlist, as students do complete the program at different times throughout the school year. 

Is the Therapeutic Day Program an “alternate school”?
No, the program is not an alternate school, or a homework support service, or an interim placement for students entering a mainstream school. The TDP is a program that offers clinical support while providing an academic program for students with a diagnosed mental illness or disability. 

Where is the program located?
Onoway, Alberta just outside Edmonton

What is the schedule of TDP?
The program operates Monday through Friday from 9 – 2:30, with shorter Friday (noon dismissal) to allow for team meetings. After School program available for all boarding students.  

How long do students typically stay in TDP
The length of time students are at TDP is individual based on their needs—most students complete the school year in the TDP year.

Do students who have enrolled in TDP go on to complete secondary school?
Upon completion of TDP, most students return to a mainstream or alternate school environment to complete their high school graduation requirements, while others may decide to enter the workforce.

What kind of experience/qualifications do TDP teachers have?
Everyone involved in the TDP program has specialized skills and training. The TDP instructors have masters degree in counselling psychology.The Director of TDP was an elementary and high school teacher before joining the program and also has a Master in Counselling psychology.
TDP is also supported with 12 special education assistants skilled in working with youth with special needs.
The clinical staff includes a Youth Worker with a specialty in mental health and a clinical counsellor who holds a masters degree in counselling. As well, a psychiatrist consults every week with the staff and students.

Will my child be held back in school after attending TDP? How are they assessed for grade level when returning to a mainstream school?
The goals at TDP are academic and therapeutic. Academic progress is dependent on mental and emotional well-being. For this reason, students may not progress as quickly in their schoolwork as is expected in the mainstream system. The idea is to enhance well being and academic ability will follow.

Are any other organizations or professionals associated with the Therapeutic Day Program?
Our community partner will provide a clinician, 2 mental health workers, an Occupational Therapist, Physical Therapist, speech therapist and recreation therapist.

    Friday, February 25, 2011

    A Window Opens....

    O'Leary's Angels 

    Therapeutic Day Program and Boarding School 


    Angels with Special Needs (Our 10 year plan)

    You know how everything happens for a reason... look what popped into my email box today!!! Thanks Pat! Maybe I can combine my two loves!!! Perhaps running a Therapeutic Day School Program O'Leary's Angels and in the summer run the Family Respite Camp O's 4Rs!!!! I really think I could make this work!!! What do you think? I value all opinions!

    O'Leary's House           Norcross House        
    5-8   years old               9-12  years old          
    3 students                      3 students                      
    1 teacher                       1 teacher                      
    4 EAs                           4 EAs                            

    Wigmore House           Morris House
    13-16   years old           17-20 year old
    3 students                      3 students
    1 teacher                       1 teacher
    4 EAs                            4EAs

    The school would be divided into 4 different houses of 3 students. We could educate on a semester basis. 12 children per semester. Parents could relocate for the months/years needed for their child to complete their education and attend our school. If parents can not relocate arrangements can be made for Angels to board at the school. Each family would have the opportunity to live on the property. Paying a very low rent and a competitive boarding fee and day program tuition.

    Here is a link to a group which helps fine alternative schools already in existence
    Day and Boarding programs usually charge between $20,000 and $44,000 per calendar year (2 semesters winter and fall). Summer and Spring sessions will be dedicated to O's 4 Rs.
    Introduction to the Therapeutic Day Program
    The Therapeutic Day Program (TDP) is designed for students aged  5-20 who are unable to attend school due to mental health concerns. TDP supports students dealing with anxiety, depression, or other mental health issues, by providing an academic and therapeutic program, group counselling and recreational opportunities.

    Purpose of TDP
    TDP provides a self-paced, individualized program in which students set goals with staff regarding both academics and mental health growth. After successfully completing the program, students are transitioned to their community mental health support service for ongoing care and may return to a mainstream school or complete their education through an alternate program.

    Features and benefits of the program

    • Self-paced, individualized academic and therapeutic program
    • Small group attention
    • maximum of 3 students per house
    • 12 students for whole group activities
    • Age grouping relieves social stigma of grade levels or academic ability
    • Individual and group counselling
    • Lunch program 
    • Boarding program for whole family
    • Parenting skills group for families and caregivers
    • Opportunities for alternative therapy (i.e., acupuncture) to improve treatment outcomes 
    • Daily recreation program

      TDP eligibility criteria/referral procedures
      Referrals to the TDP can be made by school staff, family members, community counsellors or social workers.

      Tuesday, February 22, 2011

      Need your opinion

      If you are a special needs parent, might you be interested in attending  O'Leary's 4 Rs Summer Event 2011?

      Your whole family can spend a wonderful week in Ottawa, our nations capital!

      O'Leary's 4 Rs will provide the following:

      Respite nights:     Parents will have the opportunity to take in a sporting or cultural event
                                   Children will be supervised in age appropriate activities

      Restoration workshops: daily workshops led by experts, parent friendly as well as child friendly    workshops will be provided each day as well as group activities with all involved
                                    Sensory room with expert assistants will be available to each family for 30minutes every day.

      Relaxation: Spa treatments, massage, pedicures, manicures and hair cut and styles for the whole family will be provided

      Renewal: Spiritual Development through the arts for one hour every day
                      Frequent fresh air/physical activity breaks throughout the day

      The director of the program has a Master of counselling
      The invited guests will be qualified persons and experts in their respective field
      All volunteers will be subjected to criminal record checks
      There will also be an invited volunteer with Special needs training, paired with each family, available from 9-9 every day
      The owner/creator of The Eating Game , Jean Nicol, will provide assistance in planning daily meals for our picky eaters
      All meals will be provided by the kitchen staff at the center.

      Only 6-10 families will be invited to participate in this unique event. I want to begin a program similar to this in Quebec in 2015 but first I need to see if this is a viable program with genuine interest before investing the million dollars that it will take to get this program running from the ground up.

      It will cost about $500/family for room and board (price is to be worked out with facilities coordinator).
      The remaining cost for workshops, events and guest speaker will be calculated on a per event basis but the cost will NOT exceed  $3,000/ family for the week.

      Please let me know what you think. Would your family take a well needed break and live with my crew of experts and 5-9 other families for a week in Ottawa? Would you be keen on meeting other families with similar concerns and interests? Would availability of experts surrounding special needs children be an asset? Any comments would be appreciate.

      For a quick response you can also answer my latest poll.

      Hope to hear from you soon,

      Monday, February 21, 2011

      Do It Anyway!

      The Paradoxical Commandments
      by Dr. Kent M. Keith
      1. People are illogical, unreasonable, and self-centered.
        Love them anyway.
      2. If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives.
        Do good anyway.
      3. If you are successful, you win false friends and true enemies.
        Succeed anyway.
      4. The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow.
        Do good anyway.
      5. Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable.
        Be honest and frank anyway.
      6. The biggest men and women with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest men and women with the smallest minds.
        Think big anyway.
      7. People favor underdogs but follow only top dogs.
        Fight for a few underdogs anyway.
      8. What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight.
        Build anyway.
      9. People really need help but may attack you if you do help them.
        Help people anyway.
      10. Give the world the best you have and you'll get kicked in the teeth.
        Give the world the best you have anyway.

      Wednesday, February 9, 2011


      My friend Erin and her husband Larry are big believers in PROCESS, everything is a process and process takes time. I was thinking about Erin this morning, no matter what happens, she is always preaching the Process. Her sister is killed by a drunk driver; her mother dies of cancer; her daughter has a serious car accident; she herself is sick or needs surgery she still smiles. "It is all a process, Janice, we take one step forward at a time and we keep on kicking!"
      Thank you, Erin, for being a part of my process. My healing process. This poem is for you and our Pat!

      Pat was loved and she loved deeply in return. "no, not OUR Pat" said the lady at the local post office!

      Responsible to the end, Pat set up trust funds for my brother and I.

      Only Pat would think of her cousin's children as her own and want to protect their future.

      Caring and kind, Pat lived her life to it's fullest. Crossing the Atlantic on a big ship in her 20s and spending her entire teaching career influencing young minds.

      Everyone who met her saw how calm, peaceful and generous she was.

      Silly electronic games; novels; and trips to the theatre occupied her time.

      She slipped out of this world as she lived in it, quietly and without fuss.

      Healing is a process and though I have been busy since she passed, getting her affairs in order, today I took the day to process her death and her life. I will miss her and I am so glad to have had her in my life.

      Sunday, February 6, 2011

      So You Want a PhD in Clinical Psychology?

      Encounters With Canada-why volunteer to work with Teens?

      This is the letter I received today, you just never know how being yourself (mentor, teacher, friend) can change someone's life!

      Dear Janice,

      I can't thank you enough for being who you are; and being kind, caring, supportive, loving, etc. You have meant a lot to me(through our morning meetings), and I hope that we may keep in contact. I won't ever forget you.

      I'd also like to thank you for this opportunity-- (to my surprise), it really was amazing!
      As you may have noticed, I am a quieter person, listening more than I talk, and find it more comfortable with a small group of peers. But EWC forced me to make new friends; if I did not, well, I was alone. I felt like a lone ant trying to climb up an anthill, when I notice others beside me, also struggling, and suddenly figuring out that we'll only succeed if we collaborate. EWC was a launching pad for this, and now I hope that in the future, I will see my peers always continuing to collaborate, connect, and learn, together on our journey up the hill.
      And through this experience, I've made sisters for life and am inspired to spread what I found at EWC.
      And each individual person.. they were amazing.
      Also, David has been the greatest inspiration to me. He is amazing- persevering, hoping, humourous, has pride in himself, il est le meilleur!!

      I hope you have a great week, and I'd love to keep corresponding with you. 
      And now I have to actually find the motivation to learn French. 


      Thank you for this email. So often, after leaving EWC we experience a low, or let down period. Reading your email I am confident that I accomplished what I intended to do, which is to teach young people that they can be as great as their most elaborate dream!!! You may have been an ant going up hill but now you know that you can do anything you put your mind too! You too, like all my little ants (I love that) can succeed at whatever you put your mind to and achieve great things.
      As I said the very first morning, this is the first day of the rest of your life... you and only you can decide to be the person you are deep inside. Forget all the negative and jump into the future with everything on your side!

      Friday, January 21, 2011

      A little "Australia"

      Thanks for the inspiration Heartly

      Please feel free to check out the Blog that inspired me to write up my dream for Camp O'Leary.

      As I was reading your blog I was getting so excited... excited for the possibilities. I want to open up a retreat some day that will act as Respite and Vacation and joyous adventure for the whole family!!! It will be Camp O'Leary (working title) but will look something like this. Three small log cabins in a secluded area, no city lights or noise; gourmet cooking including picky eater menu supplied by The Eating Game; spa packages; fishing; hunting and nature hike opportunities. There will be 3 trained counsellors on site at all times, as well as 3 special needs advocates and trainers, and 3 respite nighttime assistants. Each family will have their own small team to make their stay the best it can be. We will supply good food, fresh air, fabulous activities and the most up to date sensory rooms.
      One week at a time for a price comparable to a vacation at a destination resort.
      Someday I will make this happen and be able to provide a little "Australia" to those who need it most.  

      Tuesday, January 18, 2011

      Watching The Waters: RADical Resources

      Watching The Waters: RADical Resources: "There are a large variety of resources out there about parenting attachment challenged children. The first thing I emphasize to any Mo..."

      Sunday, January 16, 2011

      Pickle and Sprite

      It was 8pm on New Years Eve. I picked up the phone and dialed Pat's number. She had been sick with a bad virus, I could tell it in her voice as she picked up.

      "Hello, Pat! It's Janice."
      "Oh, Hi."
      "Do you have your Sprite ready?"
      "I have my pickle, do you have your Sprite?"

      I met my mom's cousin Pat for the first time when I was 8. My parents had invited Pat to spend the Christmas holiday with us. Pat's mom has just passed away, and this would be her first Christmas without her Mom. After Pat's Mom passed,  she stayed in that same apartment just up the street in Weston, Ontario, where her Mom was buried. Pat's Dad had passed away when she was my age. My Mom and Pat had gone to Teacher's college together and had always been not just cousins but good friends. I didn't know what to think of Pat, she was so tall and she had a really boisterous laugh.
      When Mom and Dad decided to go out for New Year's Eve they said I would stay with Pat. That was fine with me.

      It was just minutes to midnight, Pat was sitting on the couch with me and we were getting ready to watch the ball drop.
      "Wait!" she blurted "what is your favourite treat?" she asked me with a huge grin on her face.
      I was so taken aback all I could think to stammer was "dill pickle"
      "OK, go get one and we will celebrate in style!" Pat didn't drink alcohol so she went to get a fresh Sprite from the pantry.
      I was 8, it took very little to get me excited! I ran to the kitchen and came back with a dripping pickle.
      "ok" she said "when the ball drops and it is officially 1980 we can clink pickle and Sprite!"
      "sounds good to me!" I laughed with a toothless grin plastered across my face.

      And so began a pickle and Sprite tradition that would last over 3 decades. Pat had a stroke this week and I can't talk to her, she doesn't know me or anyone else who loves her. I sure am glad I picked up the phone and dialed her number on December 31st, 2010.

      Thursday, January 6, 2011

      Elvis had it right

      Baby let me be,
      your lovin' Teddy Bear
      Put a chain around my neck,
      and lead me anywhere
      Oh let me be
      Your teddy bear.

      Teddy bears are comforting to the nth degree. 
      I only just thought about My Teddy Bear recently 
      and it made me smile. Up until I met my husband, 
      I slept with a plush stuffed bear. I brought it 
      everywhere with me. My Teddy Bear went with my 
      to England, across Canada and back, to Encounters 
      with Canada. My Teddy Bear was my rock, even 
      though I only spent my sleeping hours with My Teddy 
      Bear, these were the hours when I needed him the most.
      He allowed me to sleep and comforted all my pain away. 
      My Teddy Bear meant the world to me. I would even wash 
      him only once a month. My family laughed "you still have 
      that thing?" It was not a thing, it was MY Teddy Bear, I had 
      always slept with one and this one was even more special 
      because it was my last one. The Christmas my Mother gave 
      him to me she said on the card "This is the last 
      one you will get! Now you are too old!" 
      I must beg to differ we are never to old for an object of 
      comfort. My Teddy Bear was my item of comfort until my 
      husband moved in with me and I noticed that My Bear 
      would be on the floor in the morning. That had never 
      happened before. Eventually, My Teddy Bear was picked 
      up and put on a shelf. After my husband and I were married, 
      My Teddy Bear went onto a shelf in my closet. When we 
      started packing to move, My Teddy Bear  went into a 
      valuables box. That was three years ago and I only just 
      thought of him the other day. I love my husband but I think 
      I might try and find that valuables box. My daughter is 
      having another baby and I think our precious little one 
      might need some comfort too.

      Tuesday, January 4, 2011

      responding to a Mom who has just given birth to a still born child

      I am so sorry for your loss. It is never easy to go through the loss of child. So many will tell you that they understand and you will want to scream! How could anyone understand without having lived it?
      I have lived your horror. I know what you are going through. I am feeling my own pain all over again. Even though 21 years have passed, I weep for the loss of your son and mine.
      I still imagine what Shane might look like. He died at 21 weeks gestation. I had to give birth as you did to a baby that had not survived. Crushing to me was over hearing one nurse say to another "he looked so healthy and perfect, if only he could have made it." Yes, if only my son had been born on April 28th instead of that day being the horrible day of his death.
      Now at 38, I have step-children and grand-babies. I wish to give you courage.  You must indeed grieve the loss of your son. I know that you will survive, I did. You have a loving family to support you.
      Down the road you may want to commemorate your son. I called Shane my guardian angel because his death though terrible, in a sense allowed me to continue my education and become the person I am today. 20 years after his death I had a guardian angel tattooed on my ankle. I see my angel every day in my heart and in my mind, but now he makes me smile.

      Monday, January 3, 2011

      How do you handle stress?

      I am watching Team Canada play the USA in IIHF World Junior Hockey. I am screaming at the TV! Calling plays and yelling at the refs.  You would not think watching my second favourite sport, my first being football, would cause stress but from my heart rate, breathing and impatience I beg to differ. What causes stress in your life and how do you handle it?

      Sunday, January 2, 2011

      Purging is Good for the Soul

      I just spent an hour in the basement sorting all the recycling that has gathered there since it has been too cold to go to the depot. Not having door to door recycling is a pain. I must say though, the basement is shaping up.
      Purging is good for the soul, I have one bin for Salvation Army;  two bins to go to the garbage; 7 for recycling (cans, cardboard and paper) and all my husbands tools are organized and neat.
      I hope to keep the momentum and tackle the filing in my office.
      I wish you all a wonderful Sunday.

      Saturday, January 1, 2011

      Helping is what I was born to do

      I have always wanted to help people. I can remember even at 4 years of age being the official translator for the other anglophone children in my Garderie. The care givers were all French but I could speak both languages, I would help. I remember running home and telling mom "I told Jeannine that Beth wanted cookies today!" I beamed with pride knowing I had done something good. I had helped! I would like to help you.
      Though my focus is adoption I have experience in many different areas.
      Post a question here and I will do my best to help.
      Janice *

      Today, I Promise

      Today is the first day of the rest of my life. I have made many changes in the last year but none that will affect my family more than the one that I have made today.
      Today I will make three key promises to my family.
      I promise to love and accept them for who they are.
      I promise to do my very best to make them proud of me.
      I promise I will do my best to be healthy and happy in the new year.
      I pray that I can keep my promises and be true to who I am.